Pre-review of “Human Rights Year Book-2017” held in Ilam

  December 5, 2016

The pre-review of Human Rights Year Book 2017 has been held in Ilam on December 5.

In the program, the incidents on human rights violation and atrocities from January to December 2016 were discussed.

The program was organized with a chairmanship of Human Rights activists Mohan Singh Thebe. INSEC district representative Kokila Dhakal had presented the report on human rights violation incident from January till December 2016.


According to the report wit in this year, at least 24 people including 16 girls and eight women were victimized of rape and sexual abuses. There were seven incidents of polygamy, 41 of domestic violence, one child marriage, and one incident of caste discrimination documented.

The report included the rights and issues of senior citizens as well. While analyzing the report, Dhakal presented the trend of child rape, polygamy and domestic violence has been in increasing trend in this year which needs a serious attention from the stakeholders. The participants stressed that serious attention must be given in this issues.

The stakeholders in the program stressed on building secured shelter for rape and violence victims.

Speaking at the program, District Education Officer Tanka Prasad Gautam said that it is very hard and difficult to reestablish the right to education of children in the district. He added that even in the district there are many such orphan children and it is challenge to reestablish them.

SP Sushil Kumar Yadav of Ilam showed his commitment to provide justice to the victim at any cost.

Jhankar Rawal, eastern regional director of NHRC said that it is important to be aware on the rights of people with disability. He said that millions of budget has been spent however people are depriving from human rights. Local Development Officer Dhruba Bahadur Khadka said that civilians are victimized from the development rights.

During the program, Yog Raj Sapkota from Human Rights Forum had presented a working paper on overall Human Rights situation of the district. The program was actively participated by Sudhir Bohara from District Bar Association, advocate Tika Bharadwaj, Nawa raj Shanker from District Youth Committee, Pushpa Khanal from Nepali Congress, FNJ former chairperson Som Nath Sushesli including many others.

Kokila Dhakal