Discussion Program Completed on 25th International Youth Day in Mahottari

  August 16, 2024

On the 25th International Youth Day, Kayapalat and Ratauli Youth Club, in coordination with Insec Madhesh Province, Save the Children, SHIFT, and the Ministry of Sports and Social Welfare of Madhesh Province organized an event titled ‘Yuwa Sarokar: Sambedanshil Sarkar.’ In the program, Ramjanaki Yadav, Chairperson of Pipara mentioned the plans to prioritize the capacity development of youth, job-oriented education, and technical training. She also proposed developing a dedicated program for the youth within the municipality.

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Similarly, Raju Paswan, Coordinator of INSEC Madhesh Province, remarked that political leaders and all three levels of government appear to lack concern for the rights of youth. He highlighted that 40% of the country’s total population are youths, and they are facing significant unemployment challenges. He added that out of the 136 municipalities in Madhesh Province, only three have implemented youth policies so far. To ensure the rights of youth, he emphasized the need for provincial and local governments to formulate and implement youth policies effectively.

Journalist Ranjan Bhandari said that since the potential of the youth has been overshadowed, there has been no meaningful participation of the youth in any sector of the state. He urged the municipality to be serious as investment in youth is crucial for the country’s development. Baidyanath Chaudhary, Chairperson of Ratauli Youth Club, said that in addition to emphasizing the role of youth in global issues like environmental protection, the federal, provincial, and local governments should also adopt supportive policies. During the program, Mamta Bishwakarma, the District Representative of INSEC Mahottari, emphasized that civic education is necessary for making youth aware of their roles, duties, and responsibilities in the present time.

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Mamata Bishwakarma