Heartfelt Condolence

2nd January 2024


Heartfelt Condolence

I extend my heartfelt condolences on the passing of Gokul Prasad Pokharel, a figure in Nepali journalism and journalism education, who passed away at the age of 88. He was instrumental in instilling a sense of social responsibility within Nepali journalism, embodying roles as a journalist, advocate for development-focused journalism, anti-racism activist, National Human Rights Commission commissioner, and a dedicated journalism teacher and trainer. His efforts aimed to enlighten journalists about their crucial role as frontline defenders of human rights.

His indelible contributions to journalism education and the training of professionals to meet Nepal’s journalistic demands, which began post-2046, remain unforgettable. His demise marks the loss of a stalwart in Nepali journalism—an experienced mentor whose guidance will be sorely missed. During this difficult time, my deepest condolences go out to his grieving family, and I mourn the passing of the esteemed senior journalist Pokharel.


Dr Kundan Aryal Chairperson
Dr Kundan Aryal