Women Candidacy 39 percent

  May 8, 2017 By: INSEC

In the first phase of local level election, there are 39 percentage of women candidacy out of 49,337 candidates according to RSS source.

According to the spokesperson Surya Prasad Sharma of Election Commission  there are total of 19,332 female candidates which includes posts for chairman, chief, vice-chairman, vice-chief, ward chairman and ward member.

For the post of chairman and chief, 157 (8.35%) are female out of 1880 candidacy. Similarly, for the post of vice-chairman and vice-chief, 1127 (81.43%) are female candidates out of 1384 candidacy.

According to the commission for the post of ward chairman there are candidacy of 95.83% male amd 4.17% female. Similarly for two posts of ward members 94.71% candidates are male and 5.20% candidates are female. For women member, 9083 women gave their candidacy and for Dalit women member 526 dalit women gave candidacy.

According to the local level election Act 2073, while registering the candidacy by the political parties for the post of mayor, vice-mayor ward chairman or vice-chairman it is mandatory to have at least 50% women. Similarly for the ward member post at least 40% women candidacy is mandatory.


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