Victim woman lodges complaint on charge of expelling her from the house

  February 18, 2019 By: INSEC

Pushpa Shahi, 25 of Khandachakra Muncipality-1 lodged complaint at District Police Office against her husband Min Raj Shahi, 25 on charge of expelling her from the house. The complaint was lodged in an initiation from INSEC.

The victim said that her husband expelled her from the house after he married another woman. She was beaten and expelled from the house. The victim requested INSEC for legal assistance.

The complaint was lodged on February 18 in an initiation from INSEC.

The victim also said that she was mentally and physically tortured by the accused especially after being married with another woman.

She underwent treatment at District Hospital of Kalikot. She also said that she was displaced along with her son after being expelled from the house.


Kali Bahadur Malla