Victim Accused Police for Not Registering Complaint of Attempted Rape

  August 9, 2016 By: INSEC

A 27-year-old victim of attempted rape complained on August 9 that police have denied registering her complaint.

The victim urged rights activists and media personnel to help her seeking justice and action against the accused.

The victim complained that she was attempted to rape by Gyan Bahadur Magar,35 of Pida VDC-6  on the night of August 3. She was further beaten by him after she retaliated.

She was taken to District hospital after a primary treatment at Primary health Centre on August 4. She was further referred to Kathmandu for the treatment.

She went to the District Police Office on August 8 to lodge a complaint after her treatment. She complained that police denied registering her complaint stating that she cannot lodge complaint of attempted rape.

Sita Ram Adhikari