Update of November 29 Regarding COVID-19 Infection

  November 29, 2020 By: INSEC

The number of COVID-19 infected people has reached 231,978 after additional 1,255 new cases were detected positive in Nepal on November 29, 2020. According to the Ministry of Health and Population, 212,590 have recovered. On November 29, the rate of recovery reached 91.6% along with the 1,404 latest recovered. The ministry reported that 17,909 people are being treated. Out of which, 12,259 are in home isolation, 361 are being treated in ICU, and 53 are being treated with the support of the ventilators. Till now, the death toll has reached 1,479. According to the Ministry, 8,008 swab tests were conducted in the past 24 hours. There aren’t any active cases in Manang and Dolpa while Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, and Kaski, have more than 500 active cases.

In Sudur Paschim Province

According to Kanchanpur representative Komal Niranjan Bhat, all the services provided by ward no7 of Bhimdatta Municipality has been suspended from November 29 after a people’s representative was diagnosed COVID-19 positive. The infected people’s representative is being treated at the COVID Hospital in Dhangadhi and has been sent to Kathmandu for further treatment, said Ward Chairperson Shankar Kunwar.

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