Update of 18 May Regarding Corona Virus Infection

  May 19, 2020 By: INSEC

Till 18 May, there are 375 corona virus patients in Nepal. Among them 316 are males and 59 are females. After coronavirus was diagnosed in a 41-year-old man of Gulmi District’s Madane Rural Municipality-2, he was kept in ventilator of Crimson Hospital and treated. The hospital has been sealed.

Provincial Reports:

In Province 1, till 18 May, 46 cases of corona has been diagnosed.

Test update till 18 May are as follows:

  • Number of Polymer Change Reaction (PCR)= 3,161
  • Number of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)= 9,473

There are three places of PCR examination in Province 1. A 36-year-old patient from Damak Municipality-3 being treated in Koshi Hospital has been discharged after recovery. He was discharged 25 days of admission.

According to the Social Development Minister of Province 1, the examination has been speeded by figuring out the travel history and contact tracing of the patients.

In Province 2, till 18 May, 133 cases of corona has been diagnosed.

Test update till 18 May are as follows:

  • Number of Polymer Change Reaction (PCR)= 5,585
  • Negative Polymer Change Reaction (PCR) Result= 4,016
  • Positive Polymer Change Reaction (PCR) Result= 131
  • Pending Polymer Change Reaction (PCR) Result= 1,438
  • Number of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)= 5,589
  • Negative Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)Result= 5,578
  • Positive Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)Result= 11

There are 3,362 people staying in quarantine and 4,873 in home quarantine. There are 113 people being treated in isolation. The PCR examination happening in Janakpur Provincial Hospital has been stopped for the second time after the same sample tested in the provincial hospital and in the National Laboratory, reported differently.

In Bagmati Province, the family members of the recently demised corona infected 29-year-old woman of Bahrabise Municiaplity-9 Ramche have returned to their homes. After the woman was brought to the hospital, her husband, her infant, her mother-in-law and her sister-in-law were kept in isolation. Their swabs have reported negative. After a corona infected person was found in Sankhadhar Chowk of Madhyapur Thimi Municipality-4, 25 swabs have been collected from 12 households on 18 May 2020.

In Gandaki Province,

  • Number of Polymer Change Reaction (PCR)= 1,084
  • Negative Polymer Change Reaction (PCR) Result= 1,067
  • Positive Polymer Change Reaction (PCR) Result= 3
  • Pending Polymer Change Reaction (PCR) Result= 14
  • Number of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)= 6,948

The provincial cabinet has decided to conduct the Budget conference on 24 May 2020. The cabinet has decided to provide one vehicle each to all the district hospitals of the province.

In Province 5,

  • Number of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)= 9,132

There are 12,815 people in quarantine and 170 in isolation. there are 171 people suffering from the infection in Province 1. One of them has recovered while one has died. The District Administration Office of Kapilbastu has sealed the district for 15 days to control corona virus infection. The district will be sealed till 2 June 2020. After coronavirus was diagnosed in a 41-year-old man of Gulmi District’s Madane Rural Municipality-2, he was kept in ventilator of Crimson Hospital of Tilotamma Municipality-6 and treated. The hospital has been sealed.

In Karnali Province, first case of coronavirus infection has been diagnosed. The infected man is from Dailekh. In Kalikot district, 26 swabs have been collected from those rescued by the government from India. Swabs collected from all six local levels of Rukum West resulted negative. In Jajarkot, the people having problem of food and staying in Nalgad Municipality-8 were provided food provisions by Environmental Agriculture and Development Centre on 17 May.

In Sudur Paschim Province, in Achham the RDT test halted due to lack of RDT kits have been resumed from 17 May. In Turmakhand rural municipality, to travel from one ward to another a person needs to have a letter of reference. This has been done to control the spread of the infection. The drivers driving food and construction materials’ vehicle and entering the rural municipality have to stay in self-isolation. Fudisal rural municipality has built a quarantine of 400 beds to accommodate people returning from India.

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