Three and a Half Year Imprisonment for Attempted Rape

  March 6, 2024 By: INSEC

35-year-old (Baburam) Indra Bahadur Tamang, of Thakre Rural Municipality-2, was sentenced to imprisonment for three years and six months for the crime of attempted rape. He was in detention since 23 January, 2023  on charges of attempted to rape a 54-year-old woman on January 19.

Registrar Madhav Bhandari said that the District Judge Gopal Prasad Bastola on March 4, 2024 sentenced the accused to three years and six months imprisonment and a fine of 150,000.

On January 20, 2023, the victim filed a complaint against  Tamang at the Area Police Office, Gajuri. The police arrested the accused on January 23.  Tamang was ordered to be released on a bond of Rs 300000 on February 14. However, he did not pay the amount and was in detention.

Sitaram Adhikari