Stakeholders Stresses on Forming Civil Network in Local Level

  August 19, 2017 By: INSEC

Stakeholders in one program stressed on forming unit of Civil society network in each local levels.

The program on good governance of civil society and internal governance was organized by INSEC Gorkha on August 19 under its project. The speakers during the discussion session stressed on forming network to watch the activities of local level. There are nine village council and two municipalities.

Rishi Khanal of Human Rights Alliance said that the civil society must play significant role on delaying post-quake re construction process.

Ram Babu Dhakal of NGO Federation said that the activities of civil society could not be distinct.

Yadu Adhikari, chairperson of Human Rights Network showed his concern on spreading seasonal flu in Barpak along with terror of landslide in Syamchet.


Hari Ram Uprety