Social Justice  and Human Rights Committee of the Parliament visits incident Site

  March 23, 2017 By: INSEC

The sub-committee formed under the social justice and human rights committee of the parliament has conducted a field study of the incident site in Basbitti of Saptari on March 23.

The seven member team coordinated by parliamenterian Mokhtar Ahemed had met three families of those killed in Maleth VDC, locals, witnesses and leaders of United Democratic Madhesi Morcha.

The team had gathered information in CDO residence along with Morcha leaders, political parties, local administration and security guilds.

The team included parliamenterians Basundhara Rokaya, Dulari Harijan, Shyam Sunder Tewadiwala, Usha Yadav and staffs from parliament secreteriats.

Five people were killed in a police firing on March 6 in a clash  during a Mechi-Mahakali campaign of CPN-UML. Sanjan Mehata, 26 of Maleth VDC-2, Pitamber Mandal,50 of same VDC-4, Ananda Kumar Shah,38 of Prasbani VDC-4 and Iner Dev Yadav, 57 of Jamuni Madherapur VDC-1 were shot dead by the police during a clash.

The field report will be handed over to the government according to coordinator Ahemed of the sub-committee. The government have declared to provide financial support of one million to the victim’s family however no one has recieved the money yet.


Manohar Kumar Pokhrel