Shortages of 22 Thousand Metric tons of Food in Baitadi

  October 30, 2016 By: INSEC

The District Agriculture Development Office said that the district will have shortage of 22,420 metric tons of rice in Baitadi which is one of the food insecure district.

The district is in need of 50,675 metric tons of rice as per the population however there are only 28,254 metric tons of rice available.

According to the office, 14 VDCs of the district are at high food insecurity. The data was made public in the occasion of 36th world food day organized by the District Agriculture Development Office.

The analysis was made based on 17 different indexes according to chief Agriculture Development Officer Kamlesh Tiwari.

The food insecured VDCs as per the analysis includes Amchora, Bishalpur, Kulau, Mahakali, Pancheshwor, Sharmali, Shivanath, Udaydev, Kotpatera, Thalakanda, Sigas, Shivalinga, Nwadeu and Dhungadh.

Out of 31485 hectors of land in the district, only 25700 hectors were used for agriculture purpose. Among them 10,520 hectors have irrigation facility according to the District Agriculture Office.


Nari Badu