Rural Municipality in crunch of staffs

  May 23, 2018 By: INSEC

The local level election has completed its first year and still there is shortage of staffs and establishment of office in remote Mohunyal Rural Municipality of Kailali.

The Mohunyal Municipality is having shortage of more than 24 staffs resulting beneficiaries in difficulties.

The administrative officer Ganesh Datta Ojha of the Rural Municipality said that three staffs are doing work for seven ward offices. He added that one ward secretary is looking after 1 to 5 wards.

The beneficiaries are facing difficulties on various issues such as making birth and marriage certificates and citizen’s certificates.

Chief Surya Bahadur Thapa of District Coordination Committee said that shortage of staffs will be fulfilled shortly and offices will be established by the end of June.


Rabina Chaudhary