Principal shot by unidentified group

  June 25, 2017 By: INSEC

An unidentified group of people have shot a bullet on Principal Narendra Kumar Sharma of Bilat Shah Sarbodaya Secondary School, while he was on the way to the school. He was seriously injured in the incident. The group had shot him in the morning. He was referred to Grandi Internation Hospital in Kathmandu after he could not be treated at Janakpur Hospital.

An unidentified group of people riding a motorbike had shot a bullet while Sharma was on the way to the school.

The assailants are absconded after the incident. Police have arrested motorbike owner, Ananda Mandal who was with a victim during the incident, for the investigation. The search for the people involved in the incident is undergoing according to the SP Lal Mani Acharya of DPO.


Binod Kumar Rabidas