Power Cut in Ward Office Caused Suffering to Service Holders

  March 19, 2024 By: INSEC

The service holders have to suffer after the electricity authority cut off the power in the Ward Office of Putalibajar Municipality-1 for three days.

After the development organizations of the area did not pay the due amount, the electricity authority disconnected the electricity line of the Putalibajar municipality-1 ward office. Consequently, 30 poles in Ward no 1, Siddhartha, Narayansthan, and Sainik Tole are currently without electricity. Furthermore, Customers visiting during office hours were unable to access various services and had to leave without their work being done.

The ward has reported that despite repeated notifications to the concerned areas, no action was taken. The Ward office informed that efforts to reconnect the electricity  are underway.

When the Acting Chief Administrative Officer Baburam Baral was contacted for  information regarding the incident, he said that he was unaware about the situation. Additionally, Roshan Lamichhane, a resident of Putalibajar Municipality Ward No. 1, said that Tulasiram Regmi, the Mayor of Putalibajar Municipality, could not be contacted.

Samikshya Dhakal