Police Rescued 28 children from Surkhet

  November 15, 2016 By: INSEC

Police have rescued 28 children who were being suspiciously brought in Kathmandu from Chinchu on November 14.

The Area Police Office of Chinchu has rescued 28 children from Tinje VDC of Dolpa. Inspector Jaya Singh Bista of Area Police Office of Chinchu said that these children were said to be being brought to Buddhist Institute at Pharping by the priest Chojin Jistu Lama.

The rescused children are aged between 5 to 15 according to police. They were handed over to Women and Children office of Surkhet according to the police. The children were ignorant about where they were being taken.

The priest Jistu claimed that the children were being taken for Buddhist education. It is illigal to take children without any legal papers according to police. They need Parental conscent, VDCs recomendation and other formalities before taking children.

Meanwhile, the women and children office is preparing to send back these children to Surkhet according to the women and children officer Prem Prasad Acharya.


Durga Thapa