Police and Two Other Injured in a Clash

  August 10, 2016 By: INSEC

A policeman and two other civilians were injured in a clash between armed police force and villagers over a dispute on fund mishandling at Nepal national School at Kawahigoth VDC-8 on August 10.

Manjaya Shah,28 of Kawahigoth VDC-8 and Ram Chhetri pandit,55 was injured in a clash. They sustained a face and head injuries. They are undergoing a treatment at local health clinic.

The clash was started after there was a police intervention during a discussion about the mishandling of school’s fund according to local Mukesh Prajapati.

Similarly Police inspector Tej Bahadur Thakuri of Armed police force was injured after a villagers hurled stone on him. He is also having a treatment at Local Health Clinic according to the police.

Laxmi Sonar Shah