Patients in crisis due to medicine crunch

  May 30, 2018 By: INSEC

Several patients at Health post in Bharabise Municipality-3 are in crisis after the medicine crunch. The health post do not even have a Citamol tablet.

The health post which also has a birthing center is facing shortage on free medicine and because of the shortage patients even stopped coming to the health post according to ANM Babita Shah.

The government has declared to provide 38 types off free medicines to the patients however there are shortage of medicine since three months.

” The management of medicine is getting very hard and we are working so that there won’t be the same crisis in next financial year” said coordinator of health post management committee and ward chair Tek Bahadur Bhandary.

Locals are not even aware on what types of free medicine they are getting. This is because there are no information in the health post according to local Ratna Bahadur Basnet.

Nati Babu Dhital