Patient facing difficulties as health post lacks medicine

  April 13, 2019 By: INSEC

The Dandapakhar Health post at Lishankhupakhar Rural Municipality-7 is facing medicine crunch creating crisis among the patients. The health post do not even have minor medicine for dehydration.

Anju Lama of Lisankhupakhar came to the health post after she suffered from Diarrhea however she could not get any medicine and had to return back empty handed.

Another local Ramji Tamang of same Rural Municipality said that he could not get “Jeevan Jal” a medicine for Diarrhea when he went to get treatment at health post.

Assistant Health Worker Laxmi Kanta Bajgain of the health post said that the shortage of medicine is due to the lack of proper management while distributing the medicine from the central .

The medicine is being distributed proportionately however the population is not taken into consideration according to AHW Bajgain.

Chair person Kamal Nepal of the Rural Municipality said that the management of medicine will be made soon as there is problem in supply management.


Nati Babu Dhital