More than 100 Children under malnutrition

  October 31, 2016 By: INSEC


In Baitadi district, out of 3315 children, 114 children are suffering from acute malnutrition. The survey done among the children with age from six months to five years showed that they have serious malnutrition problem according to district coordinator Pradip Parajuli of Malnutrition Management Program.

The result from the examined children, 148 have a serious malnutrition and other 394 have a medium type of malnutrition.

Parajuli said that in each VDC women health volunteer, health workers  and IMAM program officers gather the information of malnutrition from the children.

The serious malnutrition is being treated for free whereas for medium type of malnutrition counselling is given to the parents.

OTC has been established at present in Gokuleshwor, Haat, Joshibunga, Shrekot, Melauli, Thalakanda, Patan, Siddheshwor and District Hospital for the treatment of malnutrition according to chief Guna Raj Awasthi of district public health Baitadi.


Nari Badu