Kothape Residents Forced to Drink River Water After Flood Destroys Water Supply Project

  October 23, 2024 By: INSEC

The Majhi community of Kothape, Khandadevi Rural Municipality-1 has been forced to drink murky river water after the flood on September 27 and 28 swept away their water supply project. According to resident Manab Majhi, the Sunkoshi lift water supply project, which had been providing water to the settlement, was destroyed. Previously, water was supplied to the settlement through a lift by constructing a wall along the riverbank. He added that the drinking water well has been destroyed and there is no other option for drinking water.

Due to the drinking water project being washed away, over 50 households are forced to drink contaminated river water. The floods in the Sun Koshi River have not yet receded, and murky water continues to flow in the river. As a result, locals have no choice but to consume this unsafe water. In response to the situation, local authorities are cleaning wells and drawing water from irrigation wells connected to the Sunkoshi River to improve the water supply system.

Ramkumar Shrestha, Ward chairperson of Khandadevi Rural Municipality-1 informed that it will take a few more days to draw water from the well, so the locals have to drink water from the river.




Nabraj Pathik