INSEC Assisted Victims In Going Through Legal Process

  December 7, 2023 By: INSEC

The Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC) Karnali Province Office in Surkhet provided financial assistance to 40-year-old Ganga Basnet from Barahtal Rural Municipality-10 and 42-year-old Sabitra Sunar from Ward No. 10 of the same Municipality on December 6. The individuals facing financial difficulties were supported to navigate the legal process through this assistance from INSEC.

The victim reported that she and her 12-year-old minor daughter were assaulted and coerced by their 31-year-old neighbor, Balkrishna Kumai. She expressed hardship in traveling to the district court for the legal proceedings and faced difficulties with the associated legal fees. The victim submitted an application to INSEC on November 6 demanding financial support after facing problems while visiting the court for the case.

Similarly, another victim, Sunar, stated that she faced financial challenges while going through the legal process after filing a divorce petition in the district court, citing domestic violence and mental torture by her husband. She submitted an application to INSEC on November 6, demanding financial support.

According to the decision made during the meeting held on November 8, Karnali Province Coordinator Narayan Subedi stated that both individuals, based on their applications, received a total of Rs 9,000 cash, at the rate of Rs 4,500 each.

According to coordinator Subedi, the money was provided to both the victims to help them with the application fees, photocopies and travel expenses incurred while going through the judicial process. He expressed his belief that with the help of INSEC, the legal process will be somewhat easier.

Jagatdal Janala BK