Health worker’s movement affected the polio vaccination campaign

  March 6, 2017 By: INSEC

According to DEO Kailali, Japanese encephalitis JE and polio vaccination campaign of March 4 and 5 has been postponed due to health worker’s movement. Earlier, the same vaccination campaign scheduled on February 18 and 19 was affected by health worker’s protest.

The health workers staged protest since February 15 demanding the standard service and facilities as per their responsibility which is why the necessary material required in vaccine centers were not sent, consequently affecting the program- according to the District Public Health Office, vaccination supervisor Pradeep Joshi.

The Program had a target to vaccinate 1 million 16 thousand 8 hundred and 46 children with JE and polio under the age of five in Kailali. It was decided to assign 1 hundred and 60 volunteers in 5 hundred 80 thousand vaccination Center however the polio vaccination program was postponed until the publication of another notice due to the movement of health workers- said the senior district health administrator Tanka Prasad Chapagain.

Though Nepal has been declared as polio eradicated nation in 2010, the infection could have been spread in Terai region from India, which is why the program was conducted on 12 districts from Terai region including Kailali and 3 districts in Kathmandu- according to the Ministry of Health.

Rabina chaudhary