Guidelines Released Regarding Privacy of Corona Virus Suspects

  March 28, 2020 By: INSEC

Press Council Nepal has released guidelines for media and journalists regarding maintenance of privacy of the Covid-19 suspects or infected

The guidelines were released on 23 March which instructs the media to maintain secrecy while publishing or broadcasting news about Corona suspects or infected.

According to the guideline, details about the suspect or infected should be kept hidden. Anything that has negative impact on them should not be produced, published or distributed.

Likewise, the media and journalists should publish or broadcast only those truths/facts that have been approved by the official source or expert- mentioned in the guideline.

The guideline has nine-points. Also, they are instructed to share, like or tweet only those news about Corona which is factual and officially stated.

In coordination with Nepal Telecom, Press Council has closed 25 non registered websites which went against the code of conduct and guideline and were active in spreading fake news regarding Corona Virus.

Not only this but also 32 media portals which went against the code of conduct were told to remove their news within 24 hours, informed Council’s Acting Chairperson Kishore Shrestha.


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