Fifteen Thousand Metric tons of Food Scarcities in Achham

  August 23, 2016 By: INSEC

The District Agriculture Office of Achham said that the district has a scarcity of about 15,000 metric tons of foods due to less production caused by long draught. There has been double scarcity as compared to last year according to the office.

Along with a food scarcity, there is a chance of starvation to the people with a low financial status, according to the office. Due to untimely transportation of grains from other districts, poor people are in serious crisis according to local Naresh Shahi.

There have been 30 percentages less production in the district as compared to last year according to senior officer Krishna Hari Devkota of District Agriculture Office. He added that it is necessary to import grains from other districts as soon as possible.

The Agriculture office said that the district is in need of 60,000 metric ton grains annually.

There are only 45 metric tons of food with entrepreneurs and depot of Food Corporation according to the office.

Shiva Raj Dhungana