Establishment of District Coordinating Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Rights

  November 29, 2023 By: INSEC

To ensure the implementation of the fifth national action plans related to human rights at the district level, a district-level human rights district coordination committee was formed on November 27.

District Coordination Officer Gomadevi Dhakal Paudyal announced the formation of the District Coordination Committee under the leadership of Balkrishna Shrestha. The committee includes Chief District Officer, District Coordination Committee officials, Chief of Education Development and Coordination Unit, Chief of Health Office, District Attorney, Chief of District Security Agencies, Chief of three Municipalities, nine Rural Municipalities in the district, Chief of Nepal Bar Unit, Chairperson of Nepal Journalist Association, Chairperson of NGO Federation of Nepal, and District Coordination Member Secretary.

Balkrishna Shrestha, Chief of District Coordination, announced the establishment of the Human Rights District Coordination Committee at the district level. The committee aims to implement recommendations and action plans derived from the Fifth National Action Plan on Human Rights (2020/21 – 2024/25) and the Global Periodic Review (Third Cycle).Chief Shrestha informed that the main responsibility of this committee is to review the human rights situation in the district and to facilitate the formation of the committee at the local level.

The formation of the district coordination committee to monitor and assess the human rights situation at the district level was initiated by the representative of INSEC.

Natibabu Dhital