Discharged PLA organized Sit-in-protest in front of Maoist Central Office

  November 21, 2016 By: INSEC

The agitating discharged people’s liberation army Nepal has organized a sit-in-protest in front of the Maoist central office in Paris Danda on November 21.

They have been in agitation since November 7 with seven points demand. The chairman Lenin Bista of PLA said that the sit-in-protest is organized to draw attention of the government so that their demands are addressed. He accused Maoist center of not listening to their demands despite of drawing their attention. He also accused government of trying to invite another conflict in Nepal.

Chairman Bista said that the agitation will continue until their demands are not addressed by the government.

Prior to this, the discharged PLA had already protested in front of the office. The government had deployed a huge number of police at that time. The protest was monitored by INSEC and NHRC.


Vibek Dhungana