Citizen’s role important for fair election: Chairperson Pyakurel

  June 4, 2017 By: INSEC

INSEC chairperson Subodh Raj Pyakurel said that citizens can play a vital role for holding a clean and fair election while speaking at the interaction program on Human rights and election in Kailali on June 4.


He said that at about 50 percent of the responsibility for the clean election is general voters however remaining are of government and election commission. He added that in first phase of election there were some security flaws due to the negligence of government and election commission.


Speaking at the program co-chairman of CCCE and chairman of HURON Indra Prasad Aryal said that there is a change in general people then a political parties and leaders. He stressed that there must be change in thinking of political leaders and representatives. In the program, there were representatives from political parties, human rights activists, advocate, social workers and representatives from various organizations.


Rabina Chaudhary