Beaten on Charge of Not Bringing Dowry

  August 10, 2016 By: INSEC

Ashrun Ansari,18 of Balegaun, Nepalgunj sub-metropolis-19 was beaten by her family members on charge of not bringing dowry. Her husband Wasim Ansari, 21 mother-in-law Babdaiya Jolaha, 46, father-in-law Sabbir Ansari,51 and brother-in-law Nasim Ansari, 32 had beaten her on August 7 over a dowry dispute according to the victim.

The victim sustained a deep wound in her both eyes and undergoing treatment at Bheri zonal hospital according to the victim’s mother Imann Ansari. She also sustained hand, leg injuries and bruises over her body.

She has been given physical and mental torture by the accused since long time for not bringing dowry. Recently she was severely beaten on the night of August 7 on charge of not bringing Rs 400,000 as a dowry.

On the same day police have arrested Wasim and Babadaiya after the victim’s party informed the police about the incident however other accused are at large according to SP Tek Prasad Rai.

The victim is living in her paternal home. She have one year old son.

Binod Pandey