Assistant Technician released from abduction

  April 21, 2017 By: INSEC

Uddav Dhungana, 46 , an assistant technician from Udayapurgadhi Village council-6 has been freed by the cadres of CPN Maoist led by Netra Bikram Chand on April 21 after two hours.

The victim was abducted by the cadres on April 21 while he was working in his office at Triyuga Municipality-11. He was released by the police after two hours.

The eyewitnesses said that a group of three people in a motorbike with registration number Sa 1Ba 584 abducted him from the office by showing him a gun. The victim was locked inside the party office near Dhimki Temple.

“They asked me to come with them in a gun point and I could not retaliate them” said that victim.


Bharat Khadka