Accused Arrested for Beating Police

  May 5, 2024 By: INSEC

Police arrested Kaji Gurung and Sudip Gurung of Waling Municipality-12 on May 4, for beating Sub-Inspector Mohan Singh, the in-charge of Thumpokhara Police Station in Bayatari, Waling Municipality-13.

Indra Bahadur Rana, Spokesman and Information Officer of District Police Office Syangja, informed that Singh, was beaten and injured by Kaji Gurung, Sudip Gurung and Rabin Gurung  when he was on patrol at night on April 24.

Singh was injured in the head and is currently being treated at Gandaki Medical College in Pokhara.

Rana added that another youth, Rabin Gurung was also injured and being treated. According to the police, they conducted mistreatment against the police officer assigned for security and seriously were arrested and necessary investigations are going on.

Samikshya Dhakal