Complaint Lodged against the accused rapist

The victim’s party of a five years old girl has lodged a complaint against 13 years old boy at District Police Office on November 22 on charge of rape. The victim’s party claimed that the girl was raped while she was with her sister in jungle to graze cattle. The…

November 23, 2016  
Continuous closure of schools affect studies of students

The dispute between the political parties over the dilimitation of area no. 7 of Dailekh district and its three VDCs have affected the studies of more than 40 schools of the district since one week. The dispute has affected Kalbhairab, Gauri and Malika VDCs office since November 17. The locals…

November 22, 2016  
Eight injured in a clash with police

At least eight protesters were injured in a clash with police over the dispute of Gaunpalika. In a clash, Gyan Bahadur Shahi, 27 of Kalai VDC-3 sustained a head injury. Similarly, Lik Bahadur Shahi, 38 of same VDC-4, Hasta Bahadur Shahi, 32 of Rara VDC-1, Dharma Raj Shahi of the same…

November 21, 2016  
Six percentages of children without school reach in Jumla

The concerned authority in one program said that in Jumla district, there are still six percent of children who are out of school reach. Purna Prasad Dhital, officer at District Child welfare committee presented the working paper and said that there are six percent of people who do not go…

November 20, 2016  
Medicine Crunch in health post, Patients in Crisis

Patients at Surkegad Health Post of the district are compelled to return back empty handed due to the lack of essential medicines. The Health Post is having shortages in even Citamol according to local Aaj Thapa. “We use to give a limited amount of Citamol to the patients, but now…

November 20, 2016  
Demand of local grain increases as transportation of rice at Food corporation disrupts

  In Humla district, the demand of local grains have increased after a shortage of rice at food corporation depot due to disruption in air transportation. On October 13, the food corporation had distributed 10 KGs rice to the each households. After the disruption of transportation of rice until November…

November 19, 2016  
Women Development Officer makes Disability Identity Card for herself!

Women Development Officer Bishwo Mani Joshi has made a disability identity card for herself. The identity card issued on November 15 with number 3748 and "C" group states that her both eyes have a weak visibility. She is 54 years old. While answering the question asked by INSEC district representative…

November 19, 2016  
Office of the attorney general monitors Prison and Custody of Rapti

The office of the attorney general, Kathmandu has monitored the District prison and custody of Salyan. The monitoring team said that the monitoring was organised to know the situation, atrocities and to get information about the difficulties faced by the inmates and detainees. The team have met inmates and detainees…

November 18, 2016  
Patients facing difficulties due to the lack of health professionals at Health posts

  The patients of eastern region of Mugu, Dolpu, Kimri and Pulu, Photu, Bhie, Jima, Dhainakot, Kalai, Narthapu have complained that they are facing difficulties due to the lack of health professionals at health organizations. Urgen lama of Dolpu VDC-9 said that health professionals have not returned back to their…

November 17, 2016  
Inmates and Detainees facing difficulties due to overcrowded prison

The District Prison of Jumla is facing difficulties in managing inmates and detainees due to the lack of space. There are two time more inmates and detainees in the prison. According to the District prison office, the prison has a capacity to accommodate only 20 inmates and detainees however there…

November 17, 2016