Health Services Affected Due to the Lack of Doctors
The health services at Zonal Hospital of Kanchanpur has been affected due to the lack of health professionals as per their posts. The patients are facing difficulties and are deprived of health services after the posts for doctors still remains vacant. The hospital which was established in 1972 has always…
Husband Committed Suicide after Killing Wife
Kamal Bohara, 26 of Patan Municipality-9, Basantapur has committed suicide after murdering his wife Bindu Bohara,21 on August 14 according to the police. He killed his wife by using an axe on August 14 over a domestic dispute and committed suicide by hanging himself according to inspector Surendra Bam of…
Overcrowded Prison in Baitadi
The prison of Bitadi is facing difficulties due to over crowd of prisoners and detainees. They are facing more difficulties due to a leaking roof in a rainy season. The prison has a capacity to accommodate 25 prisoners and detainees however there are 44 prisoners and detainees. In two rooms,…
Three Women Rescued From Going Abroad Illegally
Three women trying to go abroad illegally from Gaurifanta check post of Kailali have been rescued from Dhangadhi sub metropolis-2 on August 9. They were rescued during a process of checking at post after they said that they were going to Delhi according to field supervisor Kailashu Rana of peace…
Accused in Gang rape arrested
Police have arrested five people on charge of their involvement in two separate incidents of gang rape. The arrestees Jhalak Bohara,22 of Jayaprithvi Municipality-6, Himal Dhami,22, Amit Rokaya,21 were accused for committing gang rape on a 14-years-old girl. They were arrested on July 12 for further investigation according to the…
Arrested on Charge of Molestation
Police have arrested Ram Krishna Shrestha,55 of Belauri Municipality-6 on July 9 on charge of molesting 16-years-old girl. the victim’s family had lodged a complaint at Area Police Office of Belauri on July 8 against the accused. DSP Kedar Khanal of DPO said that the accused was arrested for the…
INSEC Kanchanpur Honoured
Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) has been honoured by Local Peace Committee in one program on July 5. INSEC Kanchanpur was honoured for its contribution on Human Rights protection and promotion in the district along with peace building and conflict management. Gagan Bahadur Singh, coordinator of Local Peace Committee, Kanchanpur…
Accused Rapist Arrested
Police have arrested Bare Sarki,45 of Jagannath-3 on July 2 on charge of raping a 14-years-old girl on June 25. SP Dal Bahadur Bogati of DPO said that the accused was arrested for further investigation based on the complaint lodged by victim's family on June 26. The victim underwent a…
Accused rapist Arrested
Police have arrested Jayamal Singh Chand,41 of Sharmali VDC on July 3 on charge of raping a 68-years-old elderly person. The victim's family had lodged a complaint against the accused on June 23 and was arrested by the police for further investigation. The victim underwent a health check up at…