Nomination of Candidacy concludes at Province number Seven
The nomination of candidacy at province number seven has been concluded on June 18. According to the INSEC district representative Bhupendra Sista, in all seven local levels, the nomination of candidacy has been registered exuberantly according to election office. According to INSEC District representative Komal Niranjan Bhat of Kamnchanpur, the…
Arrested on charge of torturing child
Police have arrested 35 years old Rama Neupane of Melamchi Municipality-12, working at Phatakshila Health Center, on June 17 on charge of torturing 12 years old boy of the same place. The victim's party had lodged a complaint at Area Police Office on June 17 against the accused. The victim's…
Rights activists condemns the incident in Parasi Janakpur and Badganga
The Accountability Watch Committee (AWC) has condemned the incident of excessive use of power by the security personnel in Janakpur, Parasi and bomb explosion is Kapilvastu on June 17 and 18. “ If such incident increases, there are possibility of human loss and we would like to urge security bodies…
Stress given on publicizing the Name of disappeared people
The speakers in one program have given stress on publicizing the name of people who were disappeared during a decade long armed conflict. Speaking at the program organized by the society of disappeared fighters by the state on June 17 in memory of disappeared fighter Bipin Bhandari and Dil Bahadur…
Five injured in police – RJP cadres clash
Nawalparasi, June 17: Five people were injured in a clash ensued between the police and cadres of Rastriya Janata Party (RJP) Nepal in Nawalparasi Saturday. Among the injured, four are RJP cadres while the remaining one is Police Assistant Sub Inspector quoting RSS. The scuffle occurred while RJP Nepal coordinator…
Attention Drawn to address Madhes Issue
In the context of scheduled local level election scheduled for June 28, CCCE has drawn the attention of the concerned stakeholders. The CCCE secretariat has released a press statement signed by duo co-chair Subodh Raj Pyakurel and Indra Prasad Aryal demanding to expedite the treatment of those injured during the…
RaJaPa demonstrates torch rally protesting against election
Rastriya Janta Party (RaJaPa) has organized a torch rally protesting against the election and demanding the amendment of constitution. The cadres have demonstrated in Mahottari, Dhanusha and Sarlahi including many other district of Terai and Madhes on June 12 according to INSEC regional Office, Kathmandu. The leaders of the party…
Don’t deprive candidates rights of filing candidacy and publicizing for election,” urges Dr Yadav
Chief Election Commissioner Dr Ayodhee Prasad Yadav has appealed to the Rastriya Janata Party (RaJaPa) and other agitating political parties not to deprive the rights of their leaders and cadres to file their candidacy and campaign for the upcoming election quoting RSS source. The second phase of local level election…
Morning Rally on the occasion of World Child Labor Day
A morning rally has been organized in Kathmandu on the occasion of 16th world child labor day. The rally was led by Labor department and it was started from Tikune Kathmandu before converting into the triangle assembly in Maitighar Madala. The participants chanted slogan holding the placard to end child…
Federal Alliance led by RJP publicizes their program of general strike
The Federal Alliance led by Rastriya Janta Party (RJP) publicizes their schedule for the general strike on June 11. The federal alliance organizing a press conference on June 11 released a press statement and made public about their general strike program of torch rally, Lathi demonstration and other program with…